Thursday, December 27, 2007

I didn't order a yellow baby!

Yes, my new little baby is yellow. Aiden developed jaundice on his third day of life. Jakob did the same when he was born. Though this time we didn’t panic. We took the billirubin test, waited for the results and put him in the sun in his diaper. The results came back but he didn’t need any other intervention, just increase feeding (definitely not a problem for this one) and keep track of those lovely dirty diapers. After a couple of days we re-did the test and the number went down on his levels. So we are on the right track. Aiden will go in for a weight check on Friday to make sure he isn’t losing too much weight, which I find hard to believe as he eats so well. And if they think he still looks yellow they will do another test. But for now, my little man is turning a nice pink and looking more like the baby I ordered!

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