Thursday, March 20, 2008

Birthday Boy

Jakob is turning three next weekend. I cannot believe that he is three already. We have his party planned at Build-a-Bear. It is going to be so fun. All the children will get to make an animal of their choice, bear, dog, monkey, duck, cow, frog, dinosaur, you name it – they have it. After they all get their animals made we will go down to the food court for cake and snacks. I wish that they had a room up in the store to do the cake, but they don’t, so the food court will have to do. I don’t think we will have a problem getting the space on a Sunday afternoon. I just have to figure out how we are going to set up and make in festive. It’s my challenge. Hmmmm… I’ll figure it out. I am really looking forward to making his cake. I don’t want to say what it is quite yet – don’t want to wreck the surprise. And I am going to make cookies (of course) and probably chocolates too. As my friend J blogged, these seem to be the favours of choice these days. I think it is so much nicer than a baggie of dollar store thingys. And it will give me a chance to showcase my wares. Three years old. Where has my little baby gone? He is such a big kid now. He does things that make me sad. He no longer needs help getting undressed (though he has no interest in dressing himself), he can get himself in and out of the bathtub by himself, he helps himself to snacks and drinks from the fridge and shelves, he answers the door, and he answers the phone. The best thing these days is something I didn’t think would happen… he has an imaginary friend. He is following in his Uncle’s footsteps and has created a friend named Goo Goo. Goo Goo showed up a few days ago. He is orange, has two arms and legs, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. And he likes to hang out in the kitchen. Goo Goo has played, read books, and coloured pictures. Jakob doesn’t really talk to him. He just tells me about Goo Goo and the things they have done together. It will be interesting to see if Goo Goo hangs around or if this is a short phase.


I like bragging about my boys. I admit it. I do. They are great boys and I of course think they are the most amazing kids ever. As you can tell from all my posts I like to brag about all the wonderful things they can do. But what parent doesn’t like to talk about how great their kids are? We all do it. I don’t think I am a competitive parent. Maybe others see me as one, but I like to think that my bragging doesn’t make me competitive. I do like to poll my friends on parenting, when did their kids do what, when are they starting their new babies on solids, what size clothes are they wearing, who knows their alphabet when, all the important stuff. Maybe I am competitive?!? I just like to talk about my boys – I am proud of them and their accomplishments. Aiden is just starting his, but starting strong. And maybe it’s not bragging, maybe it’s just lots of love.

The Gymnast

We have a gymnast on our hands. Jakob started gymnastics this week. He and his girlfriend, Natalie, started gymnastics on Monday. It was so cute to see these two toddle off into this huge gym with their classmates. They were on their own. The mommies stayed in the “observation” room while their 3 year olds jumped, balanced, and tumbled for 45 minutes. Jakob had so much fun. I had bought him an outfit for gymnastics. Some super soft basketball shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt that matched. In the morning when I was getting him dressed, he put it on for the first time, ran his hands down his chest and said “ooohhhh…soft”. It was adorable. He loved his new outfit. Back to gymnastics – Jakob was very excited to get going. He was making his way – ok, butting in front of others – to the front of the line. He wanted to do it all, and at a very fast pace. The other students at times just were moving much to slow for him. He did a great job – watching him make his way across the balance beam with such ease made my heart swell with pride. I am so glad that we found something that he enjoys and is good at. I think his favourite part was the foam block pit. As all the other kids were easing themselves into the pit, Jake jumped off the ledge with no fear. It was super, and then he didn’t want to get out. I love it. He is such a super kid.

Time flies.....

I feel bad that it has been almost a full month since I have blogged. So much has been going on and I really have had the time, just not devoted it to blogging. I think I need to be like my other blogging friends and just find a time, the same time, everyday and write. I have a friend that is blogging with pictures… and I think it is awesome. I think she will find that she will have many more pictures this way. I also need to get out the camera more. There needs to be many more pictures of all of our kids. I cannot believe that Aiden is going to be three months old tomorrow. He is such a big boy. I have said that before, but this kid amazes me. He is super strong and has such control of his head and neck. He looks around and watches everything that goes on around him. He loves his mobiles, and the lights on his swing, and his dancing cow above him on his play mat. The cow dances to “old macdonald” and his big brother Jakob sings along to it. It is quite adorable – he says he wants to teach Aiden about the animals on the farm. I love hearing that Jakob wants to teach his little brother all the things he knows. I can remember my big brother teaching me things growing up. My mother tells me that I was a little late talking because Tim was always answering for me. Jakob is often showing Aiden things that he has, toys, books, etc. I have high hopes that these two are going to be quite good friends.