Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Gymnast

We have a gymnast on our hands. Jakob started gymnastics this week. He and his girlfriend, Natalie, started gymnastics on Monday. It was so cute to see these two toddle off into this huge gym with their classmates. They were on their own. The mommies stayed in the “observation” room while their 3 year olds jumped, balanced, and tumbled for 45 minutes. Jakob had so much fun. I had bought him an outfit for gymnastics. Some super soft basketball shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt that matched. In the morning when I was getting him dressed, he put it on for the first time, ran his hands down his chest and said “ooohhhh…soft”. It was adorable. He loved his new outfit. Back to gymnastics – Jakob was very excited to get going. He was making his way – ok, butting in front of others – to the front of the line. He wanted to do it all, and at a very fast pace. The other students at times just were moving much to slow for him. He did a great job – watching him make his way across the balance beam with such ease made my heart swell with pride. I am so glad that we found something that he enjoys and is good at. I think his favourite part was the foam block pit. As all the other kids were easing themselves into the pit, Jake jumped off the ledge with no fear. It was super, and then he didn’t want to get out. I love it. He is such a super kid.

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