Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Ok Everyone. Sing it with me…. Poopy on the Pot-ty, Poopy on the Pot-ty! I don’t know why but for some reason whenever Jakob does a deed on the potty I feel the need to break into song. I get SO excited. It is one step closer to him being independent. Which can be sad, I know that it will be a sad and proud moment at the same time. But right now I would give my eyeteeth to have one child out of diapers. It gets very frustrating because I know that he can do it, and that he is being super stubborn. So Sunday he finally agreed to try to pee on the potty. So as I took down his diaper I found a huge mess. He had already pooped. So I cleaned him up and convinced him to try to take a pee on the potty since we were already in the bathroom and he was naked from the waist down. So he sat on the potty playing his kazoo (don’t ask), and pushed. I think we were both shocked when he stood up and there was a little poop in the potty. He was so proud of himself. And Jason and I were very proud of him too. The first thing he asked us was how many M&Ms he could have! We had decided that for an attempt he would get one, for peeing he would get three and for poop he would get five! So imagine his surprise when we told him he could have five M&Ms. He devoured the chocolate and did the little dance to the song above. It was a great moment. One that hasn’t happened since. He hasn’t been interested in it at all. But we continue to try and hopefully we will find some time to set aside to stay at home and work on it with gusto. But in the meantime we will do our best to convince him to attempt it and see where we go from there.Wish us luck!

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