Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Missing Herb

I have been thinking about Herb a lot the past few days. I wonder what he thinks about me now. I wonder if he thinks I am a good mother. I wonder if he is proud of me. I can’t get the poem out of my head. The choir sang it at church this past Sunday when I went for the first time in a long time. I wonder if it was Herb’s way of telling me he is always with me. I would like to believe that. That he is showing his presence in little ways like that. I am reminded of him often. So I wanted to post the poem that was sung at church and that we read at Herb’s burial two summers ago. But of course I can’t find it. I thought I had it in a certain place and now it isn’t there. I will have to look for the church program. I do however have another poem that Herb wanted us to have, for it is one he thought would make us smile and make the loss of him a little easier. He wanted us to know that he will always be with us and not to let ourselves sink into sorrow. To Those I Love When I am gone, release me, let me go- I have so many things to see and do. You mustn’t tie yourself to me with tears Be happy that we had so many years. I gave you my love. You can only guess How much you gave me in happiness. But now it’s time I traveled on alone. So grieve a while for me if grieve you much Then let your grief be comforted by trust. It’s only for a while, that we must part So bless the memories within your heart. I won’t be far away, for life goes on – So if you need me, call and I will come. Though you can’t see or touch me, I’ll be near – And if you listen with your heart, you’ll hear All of my love around you soft and clear And then when you must come this way alone I’ll greet you with a smile And “Welcome Home.” Anonymous So for those who have lost someone dear to them, read this and hold it close to your heart.

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