Friday, July 4, 2008

Tornado Pooper

Ok, so the potty training is going, just going. It has been challenging, but we have had many more successes than accidents. Today was hilarious. It had been about half an hour since Jason had left to take Jake to play next door. Our neighbours were having a bbq and invited us to come over. Aiden was crashing, and I really wasn’t feeling up to socializing. So Jason took Jakob over for a quick visit before he headed out for his boys night out. Here I was sitting on the couch with a very sleeping boy in my arms, and suddenly the door flew open, Jake came running past us, and took off for the bathroom. Jason came in a moment or two later. Apparently Jason had been talking with Mike while Jakob played and all of a sudden Jakob took off, opened the gate to their yard and came running to the house, through both front doors and off to the bathroom. I thought something was wrong, but he was fine. He just needed to go to the bathroom! He ran full speed, got to the bathroom, took off his shorts and underwear and POOPED on the potty! So he took off because his body told him he needed to poop! I have never been so proud! So tonight I will call him the tornado pooper as he came through the living room like a tornado and pooped. It was fantastic.

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