Tuesday, July 1, 2008


It has been forever since I have taken the time to blog, it seems. The past week flew by. Jake had his surgery. And I started a very detailed blog about the day and got half way through and then didn’t finish it. I thought about finishing it now but would rather catch up to now. Jake did great with his surgery, recovered like a champ, and has been fine since. Except the sleeping. He seems to be able to hear better and now hears all kinds of slight little noises in his room and is convinced that they are monsters. So we go in, turn on the flashlight and look around the room and make sure there are no monsters in the closet, the corners, and under the bed. We did put the night light back in the room but I took it out tonight because it puts out too much light and I think it is adding to the problem. So we will see how that works. So last weeks update that should have been blogged was Jake’s ears. But this weeks is all about pottying. Jakob was pull-up and diaper free today. He did great. Peeing all the time and having no problem with his pee. But pooping is a different story. He held it in until we were out and about. So within 5 minutes of being in the Dr.’s office he was under a chair and lying on his back pooping! I had just turned my back for a minute to sign some paperwork for the office. And voila – POOP! I was trying so hard. And Jake was doing so well. I thought we had it. But it’s only one little accident. I have to not let it bother me or make a big deal out it. So we ended the day with 4 pee breaks in two hours. And went to bed with a pullup. Tomorrow is a new day. And I am so happy that we are at this stage. I have been waiting for that “moment” when you just know that it is time. And today for some reason when I woke up I knew it was the day. So I went for it. Now there is no turning back. It’s ON! Wish us luck.

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