Monday, January 21, 2008

Mother's Intuition

So I think that Jakob might have yet another ear infection. He was in just last Tuesday for his recheck from the last infection and the Dr. said that it was totally cleared up and all was good. But now I am thinking that he might have the beginnings of another infection. He doesn’t have a fever, he tells me that his ears do not hurt, but there is something telling me that it just isn’t right. For me, it is all about his behaviour. Last night he was up a couple of times during the night just looking for some love, today during his nap he was up half way through crying and just needing some adjusting. And he is cranky. Everything is a big deal, nothing is easy going. That makes me think that something is off with him. I have been right before. The pediatrician was surprised a couple of infections ago when I told him that it was Jakes behaviour that made me think he had an ear infection. But I was right then, and maybe I am right now. I am going to see how he is in the morning and if he is still off or has had a bad night (getting up again), then I might have to have Jason take him in to get checked out. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be right about this. The last thing I want is Jakob to have another ear infection. It seems like he is always on antibiotics during the cold and ear infection season. It worries me. He is so close to being the age that he should be outgrowing ear infections. And the season is almost over as well. So, I hope that I am wrong. Maybe he is just in a mood, or having a bad couple of days. Maybe I am overreacting. Time to take the “sit back and observe” approach.

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