Friday, January 4, 2008

There's a Mouse in the House.

We thought there was a mouse in our house. But upon further investigation we realized it was just Aiden! He squeaks, a lot. He doesn’t really cry that much, just when he is hungry and I decide to change his bottom first. So most of the time the little noises he makes are squeaks and grunts. When he was first born he did it all the time. So when we were talking about it the nickname of mouse came up. Jakob was always our little bean, from the time we saw the little “bean” shape of him on the ultrasound. Any type of bean will do – jelly, butter, kidney, jumping, you name it. And the dog has always been called our monkey. So we figured we needed a nickname for Aiden. And the sounds he made helped us come up with Mouse. I’ll give credit to my MIL for that one. I have a good friend who calls her son “Goose”, and I love it. Little “R” responds to Goose like it is his middle name! I have told her how much I love it many times. Now I have my own little man with a nickname that I think is adorable.

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