Thursday, June 12, 2008

Playgroup - FUN

I really look forward to getting together with the Mommy group. I like watching all the kids play together and have fun. Yesterday was a great playgroup, outside at Janine’s house. The kids were swinging, sliding, and running through the sprinkler. It was so much fun. The weather was perfect – hot, but not too hot, a nice breeze, and not too humid. The shade was over a good chunk of grass by the time the playgroup started so there was a nice place for the mom’s to hang out (and the newbies). And all the kids seemed to play quite well with each other. It’s always nice when they get along. Don’t get me wrong, there were some warnings and I believe an actual time out, but for such a large group it was pretty much argument free. I think that has to do a lot with being outside and there being more space. I think with our kids getting so big it sometimes seems like our houses get smaller. I have not hosted at our house. I feel bad that I haven’t, but my house is tiny compared to others, and with Toby I haven’t had the courage to have the group over. I have had a couple of the moms at a time over to the house, but not a full group. I have hosted outings instead. Anyways…. We had a great time. The cookies I brought with us were a hit. Which of course makes me happy. I get an ego boost when someone likes what I have baked/made. I know that is why I do it, I am a people pleaser and I like to be validated too. Does that make sense? Next weeks playgroup sounds like fun too. Sprinkler park. Fun, Fun, Fun.

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