Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Well it's about time!

I have an appointment next Monday with a Ped ENT for Jakob. After 14 ear infections we are finally talking to an ENT about tubes. I have given in. And I have hit the wall. I was really hoping to avoid them when he first started to have ear infections. I wanted him to be the kid that grew out of them and didn’t have to have tubes. Surgery on my little boy was not something that I wanted to happen. And then I waited and waited as the Dr. told me that he was going to be growing out of them as he reached three years of age. But we are on infection number four or five for this year alone! So that wall has been hit. I am done waiting. And now we have the referral needed from the insurance company and the appointment is booked. I am so happy. I know that he will probably be booking Jakob in for tubes and that still makes me sad. Though the risks of letting him continue to get infections out weighs my worries of surgery. Now we just have to assure my husband that it isn’t as big a deal as he thinks. And that doing them now will be better then him having hearing loss later in life or having to get them re-done over and over again. Stay tuned for the ear updates to follow.

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